How do you create a simpler home? There are lots of ways to simplify your home, but one way is to create simple routine habits. Habits that are purposeful and give life and simplicity to the home. That help to create peace and flow. Today on the blog, I’m so excited to share with you 10 simple habits to create a simpler home.
Create simple habits to create a simpler home. One at a time.
One thing we do most afternoons as a family is this laundry routine:
Our clean clothes are brought upstairs before quiet time at some point. And then one of the tasks is to put our clothes away. We then stack our baskets to make their way downstairs again for new laundry. This is one simple habit we’ve worked on over time that has helped us create a simpler home.
Simple routines like this, although require effort for a while to instill, help to create flow and simplicity in your home. Little by little. One at a time.
10 simple habits to create a simpler home
- Do laundry every day. If that means a load a day, go for it. If that means wash, then dry, then put away the next day, do that. Find a simple routine that works for you. LINK BLOG
- Do the dishes every day. We have six people here and if we miss even half a day of dishes, it’s definitely a bomb here. Making doing the dishes a daily simple habit can create a simpler home.
- Do a tidy up every day.
- Deal with paper right away.
- Use one water glass.
- Deal with things when they come where and when possible.
- Prepare in advance. Such as prepping for school the night before, meals, packing bags etc.
- Put things away as you use them where and when possible.
- Declutter and toss any garbage anytime you are tidying up.
- Leave a box of donations by the door and when full.. Get them out the door. My friend Carleen over at @carleenarmstead on Instagram and on Youtube here: “One of my favorite ways to maintain a clutter-free home is to always have a donation box by my front door. Every month when I buy diapers I keep the box and fill it throughout the month with anything that I can- clothes, toys, baby items, things we no longer need etc. Once the box is full I donate it. This helps keep me stay on top of things that need to leave our home and a gives me a place to put everything instead of shoving it in the closet and forgetting it’s there.”
Simple habits for creating a simpler home need not to be complex, but it can be overwhelming at first. Start with one. Start small. Keep going and building on it over time. And you will start to see your simpler home coming together!
Other blogs of mine you may like:
- How to Keep Your Laundry Routine Simple for Busy Families + a freebie: Create Your Simple Laundry Routine
- How to Make Habits Stick without Much Effort
- Five Ways I’ve Been Adjusting our Routines Since the Pandemic Hit (for myself and the kids)
- Four Ways to Create a Simpler Home
As well as a couple podcasts you may like:
FREEBIE WORKSHEET: 10 questions to help you simplify your home life
And PS if you’d like ideas to create more simplicity in your home, I attached a worksheet for you too: 10 questions to help you simplify your home life. You can find that HERE. Or you may enjoy my six week flexible online Simplify Your Home Life course for busy moms. Find out about it here.
Hi, I’m Kelly! I’m a mother of four children - three boys, one toddler girl - and our family lives on the beautiful east coast of Canada. I’m a past elementary teacher, turned stay at home, work at home mom eight years ago after I had my second child. I’ve found that the busier I’ve become and as my children age, that it’s become even more important to figure out what is most important to me and us as a family. Living a simpler lifestyle has helped us in so many ways in our home life - from better routines to faster tidying up times. It has been through my children that I have been inspired to learn how to effectively manage my time and to simplify in all areas of my home and life. I enjoy helping busy moms simplify home life by teaching flexible planning methods and skills. Enjoyed this blog and think it would be helpful to others? I'd love if you shared it. Thank you!