Pumping out soap from a dispenser.

Sometimes it’s really, really hard to get that “self care” time in over here with four kids. Sometimes I am relying on a few minutes here and there. Building it into my routine. Changing it up for different seasons of life. It really takes an extraordinary amount of flexibility and creativity. What’s self care for moms? According to this blog from Washington Post:

Self-care is not selfish; it’s one of the best things you can do for your kids. Taking a break from family can cause guilt and anxiety in mothers and fathers alike. … Being on and at the ready for your children at all times can cause burnout and make things that could be everyday treasures feel like everyday chores.

Today on the blog I’m sharing three ways to be creative with squeezing in some rest/self care with a busy household.


Yep. I said it. 🎧 If the kids are loud, but playing nicely, I can put on some sound reducing headphones or listen to an audiobook. A more traditional tyoe of headphones or noise cancelling headphones.

Bathroom breaks

Leave a book in there, affirmations to read over on the mirror or something that even a minute or two will help add some rest your day. Read more about affirmations for moms here.

Call a friend

I often do this with noise in the background. Even just a few minutes talking to another adult can help fill your cup just a little bit more.

Needing more of a plan to get you more motivated for some self care time? I found a list of twenty other ideas for self care ideas for moms. If you’d like, send me an email at simplehomemom@gmail.com and I’d be happy to send you that list!

Hi, I’m Kelly! I’m a mother of four children - three boys, one toddler girl - and our family lives on the beautiful east coast of Canada. I’m a past elementary teacher, turned stay at home, work at home mom eight years ago after I had my second child. I’ve found that the busier I’ve become and as my children age, that it’s become even more important to figure out what is most important to me and us as a family. Living a simpler lifestyle has helped us in so many ways in our home life - from better routines to faster tidying up times. It has been through my children that I have been inspired to learn how to effectively manage my time and to simplify in all areas of my home and life. I enjoy helping busy moms simplify home life by teaching flexible planning methods and skills. Enjoyed this blog and think it would be helpful to others? I'd love if you shared it. Thank you!