What if I told you that committing to staying on top of laundry would save you money and time. Would you do it? Those are the two benefits I clued into after we started adding laundry to our daily nonnegotiable tidying routine. Today on the blog I’m going to share with you how staying on top of your laundry will also save you both money and time.

A picture of a washer and dryer with clothes in them.

Committing to daily laundry

It sounds simple, but in practice, may not be the easiest. By committing to washing your laundry daily, you will notice that you no longer need to have a pile of extra clothes to wear for when you need to get caught up on laundry. So, in turn, that means less clothes to buy and less time spent washing clothes. And for us? A HUGE bonus has been that there are fewer stray socks around my house now too. So I’ll take it. Ha! Note: I understand daily washing will not work for every family. You may prefer doing it once on the weekend or every few days. Do what works, always!

How to start tackling the laundry to save you money and time

  • Purge and downsize your clothes. If you’re wanting to create a simple laundry routine for yourself and start saving money and time, the first thing to do to make it easier on yourself is to purge and downsize clothes that you no longer wear, fit, or are irreparable. See my blog: How to Declutter Your Wardrobe Even If You Don’t Know Where to Start if you need help with that! And if your wardrobe needs a total rehaul and you have a hard time knowing where to start, you may enjoy my Simple Capsule Wardrobe Guide. Some feedback on it: “Ahhh Kelly! That was brilliant! I’m going to do some sorting this weekend, more purging, and most importantly writing down what I have vs what I need. Thank you!!!” Want to know more about how I fine tuned my whole wardrobe and follow along the simple steps? You may like my Simple Capsule Wardrobe Guide ebook. You can find that guide here.
  • Inspect clothes as you go. I did a big purge a while ago, but often maintenance purge when I’m doing the laundry. I inspect clothes as they go through the laundry routine. Does anything not fit or is irreparable? Perhaps they need to go!
  • Discover your click point for your clothing amounts. See how much excess clothing there is after you’ve established your daily laundry routine. This will give you an idea of how much excess you really do have and what you need to fine tune from there.

Related: How to Keep Your Laundry Routine Simple for Busy Families

FREEBIE: Create Your Simple Laundry Routine that will Save You Money and Time

Also catch the freebie: Create Your Simple Laundry Routine (ten questions to ask yourself to help you design yours). You can snag that HERE. You may also enjoy my six week online course Simplify Your Home Life: a course for busy moms. I do a whole unit just on routines, including laundry routines. Find more on the course here.

Your laundry routine is going to look different from someone else’s, but hopefully the tips today will help you see that having a daily tidying routine for laundry may help you save both money and time.


A picture of a full washer.

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Hi, I’m Kelly! I’m a mother of four children - three boys, one toddler girl - and our family lives on the beautiful east coast of Canada. I’m a past elementary teacher, turned stay at home, work at home mom eight years ago after I had my second child. I’ve found that the busier I’ve become and as my children age, that it’s become even more important to figure out what is most important to me and us as a family. Living a simpler lifestyle has helped us in so many ways in our home life - from better routines to faster tidying up times. It has been through my children that I have been inspired to learn how to effectively manage my time and to simplify in all areas of my home and life. I enjoy helping busy moms simplify home life by teaching flexible planning methods and skills. Enjoyed this blog and think it would be helpful to others? I'd love if you shared it. Thank you!