With all of the buzz around the laundry stripping I did with my husband’s clothes, I wanted to write out the two ingredients that I used to make the laundry stripping powder and how I went about it. My husband’s clothing was just not getting the smells out anymore. We cleaned the washer, I used hot washes, a different detergent, and nothing was helping. So I knew I had to do something heavy duty. He was skeptical until I added the clothing to the bath tub..Today on the blog, I’m sharing my laundry stripping method for stinky clothing. I was inspired by Go Clean Go’s stripping method on Instagram, but I wanted to use what I had on hand, and boy, it definitely did the trick!

Laundry Stripping Powder Recipe

1:1 Nellie’s detergent to Sunlight Powder detergent (or any other laundry powder with enzymes, such as Tide powder or Gain).

For a half a load of regular clothes (comparable to a washer half load), I used 1/2 cup of Nellie’s and 1/2 cup of Sunlight. For cloth diapers, I used 1 cup:1 cup.

How to Strip your Laundry with Laundry Stripping Powder

Step one. Start with clean, dry clothes. Hold onto them until step three.

Step two. Turn on the tub with hot, hot water and add the stripping powder. See measurements I used above, for reference. Make sure it dissolves first before adding clothes.

Step three. Add clothes to the water and stir. Feast your eyes on what happens…

Step four. Let sit and stir every now and then for about four hours.

PS…before you’re super duper shocked. We suspect his jeans made the water darker than it normally would be, but even without them, it would still be clearly gross and disgusting. I’ll never not laundry strip periodically now, you know? Ew, right?!

A picture of my hubby's clothes sitting in dark water in the tub.

Step five. Wring out clothes.

Step six. Do a full, normal wash, but without detergent and then dry!

Voila! No more stinky clothes.

PS my mail list is receiving a freebie for five other recipes and methods to try for stripping clothing. If you’re not on my list, but still would like to receive that, I’d be happy to email it to you separately for free. Just send me an email at simplehomemom@gmail.com or signup for my mail list below and you’ll receive the freebie link on my next newsletter to you.

Hi, I’m Kelly! I’m a mother of four children - three boys, one toddler girl - and our family lives on the beautiful east coast of Canada. I’m a past elementary teacher, turned stay at home, work at home mom eight years ago after I had my second child. I’ve found that the busier I’ve become and as my children age, that it’s become even more important to figure out what is most important to me and us as a family. Living a simpler lifestyle has helped us in so many ways in our home life - from better routines to faster tidying up times. It has been through my children that I have been inspired to learn how to effectively manage my time and to simplify in all areas of my home and life. I enjoy helping busy moms simplify home life by teaching flexible planning methods and skills. Enjoyed this blog and think it would be helpful to others? I'd love if you shared it. Thank you!