Blog image title with a hand holding a coffee.

“Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.” A fresh start, right? I love to jump into a new week and forget about last week. I mean, learn from yesterday, last week, but face the day and week with a new lens, and with the learned lessons from last week. Today on the blog, I’ll be sharing with you five things that people who have morning routines figured out do to have the best morning ever (to set them up for success for the day, week).

From a blog I found on starting the day if you’d like to work on this kind of thing too - to start your day from a place of rest:

Wake up early

(confession: nope. not me in this season of life, but waking up early can be good for many people). In fact, this study suggests that waking up early can have a major positive impact on your mental health. Also, going to bed early too. I know I feel better when I’m on a healthier going to bed, wake up routine.

Smiling and thinking about something good

Smiling and thinking about something good about your upcoming day can set the tone for the rest of the day, week. I usually start my day with positive affirmations and I find that can help set the tone for the whole day.

Drink some water

Drink a glass of water to reverse any thrist from overnight. I don’t think I’m dehydrated in the mornings, but hey, drinking water is always a good idea, right? Especially if your morning choice of hot drink is coffee. Take a peek at this article here about drinking water and some myths, benefits.

Sitting in the quiet

Pray or sit in the quiet. The quiet is oftentimes when our brains have a chance to think things through and come up with new insights. Sitting in the quiet will help calm and focus us for the day.


Grab a book and read a little. Even a little bit every day can add up to a lot over time. Allowing the time for learning something new or reading a book you’ve put off. This is a great time to read. And to chew through the content, think about it the rest of the day.

Also - Last year, I finally started a morning routine for myself and it’s really helped my days out so much. I feel more peaceful throughout the rest of the day and I’m finding time for those things that matter most to me. It was after I read the book The Miracle Morning that everything clicked for me. I was so inspired. If you’d like a quick breakdown of what the Miracle Morning is and have an overview of how to create your own, I can send you a basic overview from what I read. Feel free to email me at if you’d like that.

Hi, I’m Kelly! I’m a mother of four children - three boys, one toddler girl - and our family lives on the beautiful east coast of Canada. I’m a past elementary teacher, turned stay at home, work at home mom eight years ago after I had my second child. I’ve found that the busier I’ve become and as my children age, that it’s become even more important to figure out what is most important to me and us as a family. Living a simpler lifestyle has helped us in so many ways in our home life - from better routines to faster tidying up times. It has been through my children that I have been inspired to learn how to effectively manage my time and to simplify in all areas of my home and life. I enjoy helping busy moms simplify home life by teaching flexible planning methods and skills. Enjoyed this blog and think it would be helpful to others? I'd love if you shared it. Thank you!